Yay! It’s Springtime.


The weather is getting warmer, the sun is shining a bit more, and it’s time to play ball.


What’s not to like?




Honestly, as a native New Yorker, who spent 20 years in West Palm Beach Florida before moving to Cleveland Ohio (one of the colder parts of the U.S.) I am thrilled about the weather.


What is a little challenging is my studio. The kids are getting antsy, they can smell the end of the school year coming and some of them have already checked out altogether.


Spring fever here we come!


The “littles” want to get outside and run (as they should) and the “bigs” are preoccupied with exams, projects, and proms (also reasonable). Plus, many parents are just over the stress of the school year.


Springtime can also leave us piano teachers struggling a bit. Struggling to keep our students motivated, keep attendance on track, payments coming in, and struggling to keep ourselves moving forward as well.


So here are a few things that might make springtime fun and productive.


  • Plan a recital. I always plan a recital at the very end of the school year. Having the recital later in May means students have to keep practicing and attending lessons.


  • Perform at the recital yourself. If I have to play, I will be sure to practice. Personally, I like to invite a fellow musician to perform with me but solos are ok too.


  • Talk up the summer. My studio doesn’t take the summers off. We do change things up and learn some fun music. I make sure the students are looking forward to this.


  • Watch videos. There is so much on YouTube. I take a few minutes of the lesson to have my students watch some of my favorite pianists. This is both educational and motivational.


  • Play for your students. When I trained as a Suzuki teacher one of the things, they taught us was that the teacher should play often during the lesson. When you play you inspire your students, they also learn a lot by watching your posture and technique and by listening to your interpretation of the music.


  • Incorporate some games. Games are fun, there are tons of printable games and apps that can be used online or in person.

Read the post:

12 Games You Can Play Online or In Person With Students of Any Age.

  • Get some fresh air. Open a window, or if possible, move a keyboard onto your patio and have a few outdoor lessons. The students will be thrilled, and the fresh spring air will do wonders for everyone’s state of mind.


  • Practice self-care. We all get worn out from time to time. Be sure to eat well, visit with family and friends, and get proper rest. I know that if I am feeling tired or burned out it’s hard for me to have the energy to inspire my students.


  • Send a reminder to parents about your studio policy. People forget. It can’t hurt to remind parents of how you deal with make-ups and cancellations.


  • Take on some new students. If you have some open time slots go ahead and fill these. Run an ad and get the word out. New students are always a great way to bring some interest and vitality into your studio.


  • Gratitude and affirmations. These are great for both you and your students. Take a minute to discuss what you are happy about. Tell your students what is special about them. Think about what is special about yourself as well.


Spring is here, and that’s a good thing (I guess). Summer is coming and for us, as piano teachers, the summer is particularly challenging. But whatever we are facing we can rise to the occasion.

Read the post:

Playing Piano Over the Summer


Enjoy the pretty spring days, enjoy the rainy days, and take some time to get outside this time of year.

Happy Spring 🙂

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