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Is Less Really More? In the last post, I talked about my friend Nancy and how she did just about everything for everyone, to her own detriment. I admit I…
Am I Overdoing it? Is Less Really More? I have a friend, I’ll call her Nancy, Nancy is a piano teacher. She does so much for her students and their…
All of the free printables can be found here on the website in the Free Music and Games Library. Imagine how excited your students will be to play a colorful…
Never Give Up. An antique Aeolian piano stood in the downstairs room of my childhood home. It was gigantic! It was old and tinny sounding. You could pop paper rolls…
Ready Set Back to School! It’s August 1st and some of my students started back to school today. Am I mistaken or is summer vacation getting shorter every year? Here’s…
8/1 Nocturne 8/2 Nola 8/3 Tristan and Isolde 8/4 six Dances in Bulgarian Rhythm 8/5 Ani Couni Chaouani 8/6 8/7 The Witch 8/8 Let Me tell You Thank You. 8/9…
Parents, 10 Ways to Tell When Your Child is Not Really Practicing the Piano (Teachers have my permission to share this post. In fact, I would love it.) Before we…
7/1 Morning Raga 7/2 Ojibwe Prayer Song 7/3 Moonlight Sonata 3rd Movement 7/4 Three Pieces for Clarinet – Stravinsky 7/5 Call and Response 7/6 September 7/7 Flute Sonata –…
Most of us have heard about the benefits of listening to classical music. There have been studies done that show that listening to the classics boosts mood, intelligence, and memory….
Having fresh and interesting summer teaching ideas will motivate our students and keep our studios vibrant. It’s also fun for us as well. I hope you will enjoy our…
6/1 Gabriel’s Oboe 6/2 Mr.Sandman 6/3 Lachrimae 6/4 Ice Dance 6/5 Gnomus 6/6 Baroque and Blue 6/7 Holberg Suite 6/8 Shiva 6/9 Homeward Bound 6/10 The Sick Doll 6/11 Elegie…
I am old enough to remember one time when I was sick our family doctor came to my house. ‘House call’ that was what they used to call it. Can…
My Case for Formal Recitals I have heard a lot of stories about piano teachers and their horror stories about recitals.” The stress, anxiety, stage fright, and more. But here’s…
Focus on the Classics! I love the piano! It is so versatile. We can play almost every style and genre of music imaginable. My students enjoy lots of different types…
The Never-Ending I Want a New Piano Piece Continuum It goes like this; I assign a piece and after two weeks my student doesn’t want to learn it. So, I…
Today is December 18th and I am actually having a pretty peaceful holiday season this year. But it wasn’t always that way. I can remember some years when there was…
“You can’t have everything…Where would you put it?” I can’t remember who said that but it’s true. In years gone by, I was the woman who had everything, but I…
Building Trust with Piano Parents “When the trust account is high, communication is easy, instant, and effective.” –Stephen R. Covey To do my job effectively my students and their parents…
Welcome to Paloma Piano! We are so glad that you are here! This post will show you everything you need to get started using our website and help you understand…
Paloma Piano is 8 Years Old Paloma Piano had another birthday this year and we are celebrating with a new website. We have been growing and we have definitely outgrown…
It’s a sunny Saturday morning here in Cleveland Ohio USA and I’m sitting here at the Academy of Irish Dance. It’s not a fancy place. Just a small waiting room,…
Yay! It’s Springtime. The weather is getting warmer, the sun is shining a bit more, and it’s time to play ball. What’s not to like? Right? …
I have seen this subject come up quite a bit in piano teacher groups. So I’ll tell you all a story. I have a student. The kid is brilliant. Not…
30 minutes can feel like a long time for students. Especially online students. About mid-lesson, I like to take a two to four-minute break and play a game. These games…
Are Piano Lessons Really Worth Your Time and Money? If your walk by my house on any given evening, you can hear me annoy my neighbors with my piano…