Piano Teaching Business


Am I Overdoing it? Is Less Really More? 

Am I Overdoing it? Is Less Really More? I have a friend, I’ll call her Nancy, Nancy is a piano teacher. She does so much for her students and their…

Ready Set Back to School!

Ready Set Back to School! It’s August 1st and some of my students started back to school today. Am I mistaken or is summer vacation getting shorter every year? Here’s…

10 Reasons to Teach Classical Music

Most of us have heard about the benefits of listening to classical music. There have been studies done that show that listening to the classics boosts mood, intelligence, and memory….

Travel Piano Teaching, is It Worth It?

I am old enough to remember one time when I was sick our family doctor came to my house. ‘House call’ that was what they used to call it. Can…

My Case for Formal Recitals

My Case for Formal Recitals I have heard a lot of stories about piano teachers and their horror stories about recitals.” The stress, anxiety, stage fright, and more. But here’s…

Building Trust with Piano Parents

Building Trust with Piano Parents “When the trust account is high, communication is easy, instant, and effective.” –Stephen R. Covey   To do my job effectively my students and their parents…

Want a Full and Flourishing Studio? Go All In

It’s a sunny Saturday morning here in Cleveland Ohio USA and I’m sitting here at the Academy of Irish Dance. It’s not a fancy place. Just a small waiting room,…

9 Ways to Make More Money Without Raising Lesson Prices

I get it. I totally get it. Things are crazy right now and with inflation driving prices higher every week everyone is squeezed. Sticker shock at the gas pump and…

Free Music??

Free Music?? Ok, confession time… I know the title of this post is a bit of an attention-getter. But I doubt anyone would click on a boring title like “The…

Tips for Student Retention

The best way to keep your studio healthy and thriving is to keep your students coming back year after year. The fact is, that it is easier to retain your…

I Love My iPad

In July of 2020, my father gave me an awesome gift. An iPad Pro. This was before the pandemic shutdowns and online teaching became my main way of earning my…

Making Online Teaching Easier

We have all been thrown into online lessons whether we wanted to be teaching online or not. I have been teaching online since 2016 when I moved from South Florida…

Teaching Preschool Beginners Online

The good news is that they seem to have a vaccine for COVID. This means things may return to “normal” in the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, online teaching is probably bound…

10 Tips for Teaching Transfer Piano Students

“Hello…Ms. Hall?” “Yes, this is she” “My name is Sherry I am looking for a new piano teacher for my daughter Angie do you have any openings in your studio…

Ideas for Keeping Online Piano Students Over the Summer

Summer is coming, and it’s a tough time of year for piano teachers even when we are not going through a global health crisis. I (along with many others) am…

Free Piano Teaching Games You Can Use Online

Online Piano Games I am so very heartened by people’s response to the pandemic. So many people are pitching in to help. I want to help too, so I am…

2020 Answers

Celebrate 2019 and Look Forward to 2020   I promised I would post my answers to the questions. So here they are. What were some of the high points of…

Piano Studio Program Statement

In my book “The Happiest Piano Teacher in Town” There is a chapter about the piano studio program statement. I believe most teachers already have a studio program statement. Teachers…

Teaching Piano Lessons to Family and Friends

It goes without saying that some of your students will come to you because of people you know or are friendly with—friends of your children or children of co-workers, etc….

Teaching Piano When Life is Stressful

No one ever talks about this, but teaching piano lessons can be hard on days when you are stressed, sad, or overwhelmed with concerns outside of the studio. It’s difficult…

Scripted Communication for Sticky Situations

It’s easy for me to know when boundaries are being crossed. I can feel it. It feels…well, bad. My blood pressure goes up, I lose sleep I feel angry. Maybe,…

Ten Ways to Make Your Piano Studio More Profitable

I don’t know about you, but I feel like things are getting more and more expensive and money is getting harder and harder to come by. As piano teachers, we…

What Kind of Piano Teacher are You?

What Kind of Piano Teacher am I? Take the Quiz below   In my last blog post “Still Trying to Please Everyone? Stop it! You Can’t” I describe an incident…

10 Ways to Make Your Piano Studio More Profitable Without Raising Rates

  I don’t know about you, but I feel like things are getting more and more expensive and money is getting harder and harder to come by. As piano teachers,…

How to Draft a Piano Studio Policy

There are always questions coming up about studio policies. Recently I was asked to help draft a studio policy for the Arts Center where I teach. The idea was to…

10 Ways to Make your Piano Studio More Profitable

I don’t know about you, but I feel like things are getting more and more expensive and money is getting harder and harder to come by. As piano teachers, we…

Why Do We Need a Piano and What Type Should We Get?

Why do we need a piano and what type should we get? Students need a piano because they need to be able to practice at home. Learning to play any…

Discovering Peace and Prosperity

I am so honored and excited to present this guest post from my friend and colleague Sarah Buckley, owner of Keys to Success. In addition to being a piano teacher,…

Time to Say Goodbye

How and When to Let Go of a Piano Student Ashley is an eighth-grader and she’s one of my favorite students. She’s been coming to lessons every week for the…

Free Piano Sheet Music

The other night I desperately needed to print out a simple version of “Amazing Grace” for a Tuesday night choir rehearsal. I know that this song is in the public…

Playing Piano Over the Summer

I posted this article about why students should continue playing piano over the summer last year I am reposting it with a few changes. Feel free to share it with…

The Piano As a Second Instrument

Learning the Piano The piano isn’t just for pianists. Why not consider the piano as a second instrument? Did you know that the world’s most popular instrument is also the…

How to Get Free Pianos for Students?

 I have been presented with a new problem in my studio over the last few years. That is, people signing up for lessons who don’t have pianos. Of course, I…

Free Online Piano Books and Materials

Paloma Piano offers Free online piano books and materials, What are the advantages of being able to print your piano method books? I have been teaching piano lessons for over…

Starting a Home Piano Studio

  Many people aspire to have a home business, After all, what’s not to like? No overhead, no commute, no boss. I have taught piano lessons at music stores, in…

How To Get More Piano Students and Grow Your Studio

    How to Get More Piano Students If you are just starting out as a piano teacher and dream of having a large, vibrant studio: here are some ideas…

The Paloma Story

The Paloma Piano Story   Five years ago I began teaching introductory piano lessons at a special needs school. The students did not have pianos at home and could only…
