Essential Method Books & Resources

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Major and Minor Scales and Arpeggios

Two-octave major and minor scales and arpeggios. Ready to print or send to your students. Included are major, harmonic, melodic, and natural minor scales. Major and minor arpeggios. There is…

Reading Rx

The companion to Rhythm Rx this book will help those students who are having trouble “getting it” when it comes to note reading. 20 pages of 8 and 16-measure exercises…

Music Theory-Time Signatures

The Music Theory Time Signatures worksheets cover these basic time signatures. 4/4, 3/4, 2/4 and 6/8. There is an explanation of each time signature and a set of worksheets for…

Music Theory – Intervals

Music Theory worksheets to help students learn about intervals.  

Music Theory – Major Scales

Presented in an easy-to-learn fashion, with letter names and fingering numbers, these 2 octave scales are a great aid for students to learn and memorize the major scales.

Music Theory – Major Key Signatures

These worksheets will help students learn and memorize all of the Major Key signatures. They are a valuble resource for your studio.

Music Theory – Accidentals

Music Theory worksheets to help students learn about Accidentals.

Technique Book 1

This book is all about the relaxed and natural use of the hand and arm. This easy exercise is aimed at the beginning student or a student who needs some…

Music Theory – Book 1

Not your usual music theory book. Paloma Piano’s Music Theory Book 1 begins by having students explore the definition of music. What is rhythm, timbre, and pitch? and, what do…

Rhythm Rx

Rhythm Rx is a complete program intended to help intermediate-level piano students master counting and better understand rhythmic concepts. The book consists of 10 progressive lessons. Each lesson has 8…

Major Scales and Arpeggios

Major Scales and Arpeggios – 2 octaves written out with letter names and fingerings.

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