“He Slumbers Not” is an original vocal composition with piano accompaniment. The exquisite lyrics in this composition make this the most beautiful lullaby in the world. “He Slumbers Not” will bring you peace and beauty.
“He Slumbers Not” Music and Lyrics by Doreen Hall for Paloma Piano
He slumbers not nor sleeps.
A vigil watch He keeps.
He pulls night’s black cloak o’r the earth,
He sets the stars to glimmer.
He slumbers not nor sleeps.
The night is long and deep,
The noisy world falls quiet now,
the hushed leaves rustle in the boughs,
The tiny sparrow rests
in mother’s warm soft nest.
He slumbers not nor sleeps.
His watch or’ you He keeps.
Angels by his side
and creatures of the night.
The hoot owl’s eyes are open wide.
So close your eyes and sleep.
Listen to “He Slumbers Not” an original vocal composition with piano accompaniment by Doreen Hall for Paloma Piano.
Watch the video presentation of “He Slumbers Not”
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