The Picture-Perfect Recital
In this webinar, I will share how I make recitals the highlight of my teaching year.
This webinar will include,
- Why recitals are worth the trouble.
- How to choose repertoire that makes your students shine.
- How to teach recital repertoire so that students can perform with confidence.
- Communicating with parents.
- Memorization vs playing with the music.
- Formal vs. Informal recital format.
- Online recitals.
- Choosing and securing a recital venue.
- Recital fees and tickets.
- Recital etiquette, arrival time, dress, bowing, announcements, recital order.
- Snacks and refreshments.
- Using technology, recording, having virtual performances, and streaming, for family and friends.
- Sharing photos, recordings, etc. on social media.
- Teachers playing at recitals.
- When to pull a student from a recital.
- …and more
- Plus, how to use Canva to create a free recital program and invitation.
Register today!