What does it mean to be the best piano teacher in town? It means having preschool piano skills and goals that will attract and maintain great students. Here are some benefits.
1) You have a full studio with a waiting list.
2) Students and Parents are happy.
3) You can charge a premium rate for lessons.
4) You will get many referrals.
5) You love teaching.
The Benefits of Teaching Preschool Students. Preschool Piano Skills and Goals
1) Preschoolers become great older students.
2) Preschoolers increase your enrollment.
3) Preschoolers are fun to teach.
Working With Preschool Piano Students
1) Young children learn best using a multi-sensory approach.
2) Most preschoolers cannot sit for long periods of time, they need the opportunity to get up and move.
3) It is important to establish goals for preschoolers and have rubrics in place to measure the progress of your preschool students.
4) Parents need to see measurable progress with regard to their child’s piano study.
Goals For Preschool Piano Students
1) To learn strong aural skills.
2) To Play with excellent technique.
3) To understand how music works.
4) To memorize and improvise music.
5) To love the piano and become lifelong players.
Preschool Piano Skills
1) Lesson etiquette
2) Proper Posture
3) Finger Numbers
4) The Music Alphabet
5) Treble and Bass Clefs
6) Names of the piano keys
7) Concentration
8) Stories of great composers
9) How to play along with the teacher and keep a steady beat
10) How to identify high and low sounds on the keyboard
11) The names of basic rhythmic value
12) The concept of organized sound
13) The concept of timbre
14) Dynamics
15) Tempo
16) Listening to great music
17) Recital Participation
18) Basic improvisation.
19) Singing and matching pitch.
The “Preschool Activities Book” at Paloma Piano features activities for preschool students.
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